Frequently Asked Questions

Introduction to ionReports

  • What is ionReports?

    ionReports is a powerful reporting tool from Dotnet Report that is integrated into the ionMy GRC system, offering advanced capabilities for creating, managing, and distributing insightful reports.

    explore further via their web site: dotNet Reports Web Site 

  • Why transition to a new report tool?

    The transition was necessitated by the April 2021 acquisition and subsequent support discontinuation of the previous report writer, coupled with performance concerns. Dotnet Report was selected for its superior performance and seamless security integration.

  • What led ThoughtWare to choose Dotnet Report?

    After thorough research and narrowing down from a list of 10 potential products to just 2 finalists, we selected Dotnet Report for its exceptional performance and effortless integration with critical security protocols. This choice guarantees the protection of your data while fully adhering to Australian data sovereignty laws.

    Dotnet Report stands out as a high-performance solution, offering swift access to actionable insights and analytics. It supports a diverse array of formats such as charts, graphs, dashboards, and registers, enhancing your data visualisation and decision-making processes.

  • What kinds of reports will be available?

    This high-performance solution will provide you with rapid access to actionable insights and analytics through a variety of formats, including charts, graphs, dashboards, and registers.  

    The initial release of dotNet Report, scheduled for 2 April 2024, will include a minimum of 30 reports and dashboards, offering you a wide range of analytical insights. 

    A list of default reports plus some sample report views can be viewed in our ionMy Knowledgebase or by accessing this link. 

Integration and Compatibility

  • How is ionReports integrated into ionMy?

    ionReports taps into Dotnet Report technology that is embedded into ionMy, ensuring compatibility with existing security policies and access profiles.

  • Will existing ionMy reports transition to ionReports?

    We will be releasing a suite of new reports (that encompass the capabilities of the existing ionMy reports and more) as well as re-writing your organisations ‘top 10’ custom/scheduled reports to give you a head start in the new tool. More details are available here.

  • Can ionReports export data for use in Microsoft Power BI?

    Yes, it supports exporting data in formats compatible with Power BI, facilitating advanced analytics and visualisation.

Technical and Performance Aspects

  • How does ionReports ensure data security and sovereignty?

    The solution complies with Australian data sovereignty laws, with its software and data warehoused both stored and managed within Australia, ensuring data security and legal compliance.

    No data is routed outside of Australia.

  • What types of reports will be available?

    A variety of report formats will be available, including charts, graphs, dashboards, and more, enhancing data visualisation and decision-making. You may view available reports via this link. 

  • What impact will the installation of ionReports have on the current ionMy setup?

    ionReports was first introduced seamlessly with Version 7.0 (April 2024). Additional features will be added with the 7.1 release (August 2024). We recommend you start transitioning to ionReports as soon as practical after that, however you will have access to the existing/previous reporting tool (Izenda) until late in 2024 (when it will then be decommissioned and removed from ionMy).

Support and Training

  • Is training provided for using ionReports?

    Yes. ionMy training resources, including tutorials and webinars, will be provided to maximise the benefits of ionReports’ features. Additionally there are general online training guides and videos.

  • What support is available for ionReports?

    Our dedicated support team is available to assist with any issues or questions you may have regarding ionReports. Support is available via the existing support tools or email and through our online support portal, a phone number is available for critical emergencies.

Costs and Licensing

  • What will the transition to ionReports cost existing ionMy users?

    There will be no additional software costs for existing users, with free inclusion of new reports and the transition of selected existing reports.

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